Thursday, April 19, 2007

Virginia Tech: Regulation vs. Protection

I particularly enjoyed an article which I read at the Atlasphere, a site meant to unite admirers of Ayn Rand and her literature. It makes some good points about the pros of allowing people with weapons permits to carry guns on university campuses. I can't figure out what is so different about a campus from the rest of the world, or why law-abiding citizens would be under a different law on a campus.

Gun 'Free' Zones Get Students Killed

I just have one additional point to make. Why didn't those students who were being killed rush the killer while he was reloading, tackle him, and save some lives? If they knew they would die anyway, they could at least increase the probability of life by rushing him with 20 guys.

Not to appear insensitive, of course.

This is a case of government regulation vs. government protection. The government should not regulate our lives. At all. The government should protect. And in this case, by regulating the lives of college students and faculty, the government removed invaluable protection, thus failing in its primary responsibility and wrongly assuming another. I hope we can learn from this mistake.

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